Progress Report for Supervisors 13. januar 2022Uncategorized @nbWeb editor NMH Annual progress report from supervisors The deadline for submission of this report is 30 June. Trinn 1 av 5 20% I consent to the Norwegian Academy of Music storing my personal data(Påkrevd) Yes, I consent. No, I do not consent. The Academy needs your personal information to be able to consider your application. You can read more in our privacy policy. The candidate's name(Påkrevd)Who does this report apply for?Your name(Påkrevd)What is your role(Påkrevd)Select roleMain supervisorCo-supervisorThe names of other supervisors, if any.For which academic year does this report apply for?(Påkrevd)E.g. 2021–2022.Your e-mail address(Påkrevd) How do you evaluate the candidate's progress for the training component?As far as you know. Keywords: Courses in Philosophy of Science, Methodology, Ethics, Conference presentations, Research Forum.How do you evaluate the candidate's progress with the dissertation?(Påkrevd)Keywords: articles, data collection, analysis, text production. Frequency of the supervision(Påkrevd)Keywords: weekly, monthly etc.Type of supervision(Påkrevd)Keywords: meetings, e-mails, Zoom etc.Your assessment of the cooperation with the candidate?(Påkrevd)Keywords: works well, works less well, does not work at all, division of labour between the supervisors.Your assessment of the candidate's overall progress?(Påkrevd)Keywords: on schedule, delayed, causes of concern, anything you need assistance with.Do you have issues you need to discuss regarding your role as a supervisor?(Påkrevd)Select answerNo, thank you, I'm fine.Yes, please contact meIf you wish, you can co into further details Submit formWhen you click the "Submit" button, your answers will be automatically sent to You will also receive the form to the e-mail address entered earlier.Confirmation(Påkrevd) I confirm that the above information is correct. CommentsDette feltet er for valideringsformål og skal stå uendret. Δ